PROGRAM REVIEWS for the individual concerts will be posted here as they become available.
“My impressions”
On February 23, 2025, the Chamber Music Society of Utica presented their fourth concert of the season featuring the Escher String Quartet, who have achieved critical acclaim in the United States and around the world.
The quartet got it’s name from the Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher,”inspired by his method of interplay between individual components working together to form a whole.” They played an interesting variety of works composed in America by Samuel Barber, Florence Price and Antonin Dvorak. The renowned Barber, “Adagio for Strings”, was the most memorable and enchanting piece. Bravo!
Having been on the board of the Chamber Music Society of Utica for over 30 years, I have heard many magnificent groups perform, but the Escher Quartet stands out as possibly being the BEST ensemble! Their musicianship and artistry was stellar. They played without affectation and the music came to life in such a meaningful way that I was transfixed.
I experienced a collaboration of instruments playing with such proficiency that it seemed like one person was playing all four instruments! Or put another way, they lived up to their chosen name “Escher” as individual components working together to form a whole.
Besides being so talented, they shared with the audience that they “practice a lot”. Maybe that was why the music for me was so seamlessly performed and compelling!!
Special thanks to Jan and Pat Moore for sponsoring this concert!
Anita Humer
Professional pianist, accompanist and piano teacher
former staff pianist at Colgate University
Serves on boards of CMSU, the Leschetizky Piano Organization, NYC
and the Monday Evening Music Club of Norwich NY